Did you ever think about this China Wuhan virus? What does the infection at San Antonio Lachlan Air Force Base mean? A coincidence outbreak in California? Why does the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Propagandists abroad reports all the same way?
Are the chaos today orchestrated?
Everybody think it is a Virus, just Virus. what about if it is a bio weapon? Yes virus has no eye, you never know where it goes next, but we definitely can tell where virus might go based on human’s action.
Let’s seek the truth behind this Wuhan’s virus crisis by analyzing the logic behavior of people, the event and the phenomenon around the world.
Just few days ago in Feb, a broken news indicated there is more than 10 soldiers at US’s Air Force Base in California were infected by the virus. think about it, air force base, a military facility, what it tell us? In addition, thousands people in self quarantine, and the sudden shortage of the logistics of emergency, as well as the crazy slump in the capital markets. Hundreds of trillions of dollars evaporated in just 48 hours…
Looks familiar, huh? Just like the movie, would this be a type of bio-weapon? If so it must be carefully and strategically planned. Let’s get all the dots connected and see. yes, there seems to have plans, Perhaps a plan got compromised? got messed up? perhaps, it is totally an intention?…
Let’s go back to year 2019 to see what Chinese Communist Party (below we call CCP) is up to, see where is the gate of the hell.
The timing of the CCP’s National Outbreak Exercise in 2019:
- 2019.4.25 A collective exercise took place in Wuhan. Called “Hubei Military Games Joint Emergency Exercise in Wuhan” in this exercise : Hubei Provincial Health and Health Committee, Wuhan Military Games Medical and Health Command, Hubei Provincial Disease Control Center, Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital , Wuhan Emergency Center participated.
- 2019.6.25 Changsha, Hunan . Another exercise took place in Changsha. The army and local area jointly held a health emergency drill. The focus is on the health emergency response process.
- 2019.7.29 Yinchuan, Ningxia, outbreak emergency drill exercise took place, over 31 provinces and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Health and Health Committee, 8,200 people participated in this exercise, it is the first large-scale emergency public health emergency practice since SARS.
- During the September 11th 2019 Asian Games sanitation drill took place, protective clothing was worn. At this time, street demonstration was taking place in Hong Kong
- 2019.9.18 Wuhan again. Public Security, Customs and Transportation jointly held a new coronavirus emergency response drills.
- 2019.9.18 Shenzhen launched air joint emergency exercises, the same day is the 7th Military Camp Open Day in Wuhan
- 9.25-27 Sichuan, health emergency capacity training took place. First aid personnel from more than 30 counties in 21 cities participated.
- 9.27 Jilin Songyuan Emergency Exercise for Plague Prevention and Control
- 10.15 Zigong health emergency drills in the five middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River
- 10.18 Foshan Ebola Emergency Exercise
- 10.18 Wuhan Military Games: 5 military games reportedly carrying viruses to visit Jinyintan Hospital
- 10.21 Yunnan drill for prevention and control of acute infectious diseases,
- 10.30 Textual Recording of the Beijing Press Conference An order was issued to guide the health construction committee, which is to guide acceptance.
- 12.18 In Jiangyin Customs, customs officials simulated the inspection, sampling and testing of close contacts on an outer vessel.
All above exercises are severing the purpose of the World Military Games at this point. Got any clue now?
Let’s see what the world is doing at that time and you might understand why WHO keep refusing to make pandemic announcement as it should be. (I will have a separated analyzing about WHO)
Oct,18 the same day at the Wuhan World Military Games, Bill Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins University and the World Economic Forum held an EVENT201, which is a database sharing platform that simulates the entire outbreak. You know Bloomberg is supporting Johns Hopkins University. Later a statement came out from the meeting that explained: What we simulated has nothing to do with Wuhan virus. wow, There is no silver buried here. Gates Foundation donated US $ 8 million to the disaster-stricken area in Wuhan. In return Xi thanked Gates and his Foundation (Event201) for supporting China and said Human Viral Destiny Community! what a joke!

EVENT201 and CCP share 24-hour global data on the spread of the epidemic, and a map model of virus infection data from the Technology Division of Hopkins University. If you think it’s just a data model, friends, we will lose badly – where is the data come from? This data is initially manually entered from all over the world. The data from China comes from DXY. DXY is a website of Lilac Garden. Dr. Lilac represent CCP confirmed that CCP ’s data and its overseas real-time epidemic broadcast dynamic website is perfectly matched. This means that the data Americans see on the Hopkins map IS Fake! Americans is deceived by false information
That’s the reason Event201 needs to be held the exactly same time as CCP’s October World Military Game in order to establish the data sharing model together. Will you trust CCP’s data? another thing, just think, the system is to share the data with all the rest of the world’s official platforms such as WHO, CDC, and etc. It is DXY, in other word, CCP provide the back end data server that feed WHO, CDC ..!!! It does also mean CCP has the access to the world data and can easily make fake entry, or as an entry for hacking into other highly sensitive national security system in the world!

It all shows the characteristics of bio war, isn’t it? Think again, the time, the event, the logic, the slump in the capital market, the follow-up of Wall Street, and a bunch of people jump out to blame Trump, this is what exactly CCP wants to see. Let’s view it again in a big picture. Mr. Stephen K. Bannon has been speaking out many times about what CCP is up to, Mr Miles Guo has been speaking for years, now it is obvious that what they’ve been alarming come true. Unfortunately CCP now can easily block our twitters to silence us “thanks to” the data sharing platform that enables CCP control of twitter and many of other Mainstream Medias in the world. Just like what they did to their own people in China. To CCP, as long as the virus spread, as long as your defense department can’t see the truth, as long as your public doesn’t take it seriously, their goal can be achieved! CCP is winning this biochemical battle as they have already scored 1:0
I often wondering, why would Gates, Hopkins, and those organizations help a tyrant? It seems CCP is really in control of them. any type of promise that benefit them significantly? or perhaps they had sth. being caught by the CCP and being blackmailed? or perhaps their family’s livers, kidneys replacement all been promised will be taken care of in the future by CCP? look, I might talk nonsense, but at least I believe they are fooled, they’ve been used, if this approved to be the biomedical war, aren’t they aware that they are hold a candle to the devil?

Friends, having reviewed the big picture, we must follow Hong Kong, Mr Miles Guo had predicted early in June 2019 that there might be bio weapon targeting on Hong Kong. The event in Hong Kong is around August and September 2019, guess what? all the events I mentioned above is happening one after another around the same period of time! coincidence?
Now, what CCP Propagandists is doing at the very same time to the world? smear campaign! What CCP good at is to cover your eyes, cover your ears to make you believe everything is reasonable without any doubt, everybody is suffering include CCP and their own people, it is not CCP’s fault or conspiracy, it is not CCP who is behind this world wide chaos…Will you believe them?
Friends, let’s go back to year 2019, the Oct 1st Chinese National Parade, there was a civilian military team appeared in the Parade which is unprecedented before. another coincident? No. Such large-scale strategy must be well coordinated between the military and civilians across the country. Isn’t this all about the preparation for the upcoming biochemical warfare? all part of the plan?

When we get all these dots connected, it makes more sense now. Allow me to inference: during last year’s contest, the CCP conducted several attempts to attack and destroy President Trump, such as the Mar-a-Lago Manor incident, the theft of information by the CCP Cyber Armies, the theft of US laboratory information, including the theft of Canadian laboratory viruses, and misleading of US domestic farmers’s anger towards the trade war of Trump. All their attempts failed, at that moment, the street movement that began to sweep across Hong Kong in June, CCP became increasingly uneasy so insidiously, they started a series of large scale biochemical warfare exercises across the country in an attempt to implement this vicious plan to Hong Kong. It might be because of the phase one of the Trade negotiations turned out successful, the virus plan got on hold. However, for some reason, the virus was out, not sure how, might be leaked from Wuhan P4 laboratory as there were connections and data related to that laboratory, or perhaps something got messed up, the virus quickly spread out and became out of control. CCP hence took the chance, on one hand, hide all the real information about the virus and Wuhan P4 laboratory, locking up doctors who spoke about the outbreak, destroyed all the evidences related to the very first few patients to fool the rest of the world so the world lose its vigilance , on the other hand, CCP started a smear campaign and on purposely spread the virus via the One Belt one Road, hence unleashed the 3rd World War (biomedical war)…
At last, just want to share my understanding of a World War. Modern warfare is no longer as artillery bombardment as it was then. The characteristic of modern war is to deplete your resources, crack down on your ability of national control, destroy the credibility of your government, cause you huge financial and economic losses, create chaos and resource-less panic in your society, therefor causing productivity and economic completely collapse. Aren’t these all what we saw so far? Isn’t this the 3rd World War?
Wake up! China CCP has been already 1:0 lead…
- What The Dead Told Us - March 19, 2020
- Are We in a War? The Cost and Price To Win - March 13, 2020
- The Mist Behind This 2020 Pandemic – Former Chinese System Insider Dissect About The Wuhan Virus Crisis - February 29, 2020