A list of death recently was leaked from inside the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) by a reliable source.
Normally when people see this type of list, most will not pay too much attention nor take it seriously as most distrust the CCP.

However, we shall not underestimate this list which is come directly from CCP’s internal channel, we shall never ignore what it tells.
let’s use a mathematics model to view it and find out the nature behind it, the mortality, infection rates, and the composition of the people on the list.
We see, the average age is 49 years old, range from 18 ~77 years old, it obviously means the virus is not like what CCP told it only attack seniors, not only does it attack the elderly, young people also die such as Dr Li Wenliang’s death, he died at age 33. Of cause his death might also have other facts such as he was at front line and was not aware of it’s danger. Mortality has little to do with age.
From the list, 77.4% died of overwork/exhaustion? will you believe?
9.7% died from car/auto accident, and only 9.3% died of pneumonia. See, they didn’t even mention COVID-19 at all!
The Communist Party lied every day and misled the West every day
Who said the virus won’t affect the young people but the seniors or vulnerable group? CCP
Who said the virus spreading can be prevented and can be controlled? CCP
Who said the virus will be killed when the weather getting hot? CCP
Who said the virus is not transmissible from human to human? CCP
Look at now what happen in Italy and England and other European countries, what does it mean? It means CCP is lying every single day, CCP is responsible for this crisis in Europe because they are spreading all the FAKE news to the rest of the world!
That’s what the dead told us
From the list, Two-thirds of daily deaths are party members. Take the 20-day mortality rate of 2.5 as an example. The number of infected people increases by 20% every day. The number of pre-infections peaked at 70,000 or hundreds of thousands. Seventh Brother said that the conservative number of deaths nationwide is also over 500,000.
It is deduced that the number of infected people far exceeds what the CCP said. Ironically, as we know, CCP is providing the data to DXY which is data sharing platform with the rest of the world like WHO, CDC and etc. CCP’s Hopkinson University data platform is still misleading the epidemic worldwide and the world still believe it! How stupid!
Friends, this is the evidence that CCP is responsible before the International Court of Justice! guest it’s time to call this virus “CCP Virus“.
These few days, President Trump made few announcement about the medical plan. So now both China and the United States are robbing the right to speak on the vaccine. In addition to the Chinese Communist Party’s rejection of responsibility, it has developed a vaccine fear of guilt. What funny is that WHO announced that WHO is working with CCP and will be providing epidemic prevention equipment to Chinese suppliers to assist the whole world fighting the virus. It sounds to me that Tedros Adhanom is now playing a sales role for CCP! How ironic! What CCP is doing is just like a murder take off his murder bloody clothe and switched a Doctor’s clothe to cure people who were severely wounded by him!!!
Friends, let’s not forget Hong Kong, as they are really suffering. a trailer showed, these couple of month, there are 73 unknown heroes who died and berried in ShandyRidge Cemetery in Hong Kong without name nor if they are men or women. They had no photos and only numbers. what a sad sad scenes!

There is Washington Post article describes a simulation of the evolution of force and non-force quarantine method to fight the epidemics. it shows Forced quarantine does not prevent the spread of the epidemic, hence it is invalid. What CCP so called zero case increase is once again completely FAKE.
- What The Dead Told Us - March 19, 2020
- Are We in a War? The Cost and Price To Win - March 13, 2020
- The Mist Behind This 2020 Pandemic – Former Chinese System Insider Dissect About The Wuhan Virus Crisis - February 29, 2020